Study Highlights Importance of Checking Your Credit Report

A study on credit report accuracy recently found that 1 in 5 of the participating consumers had an error on at least one of their three credit reports.

Why Do Credit Report Errors Matter?

Errors on your credit report can negatively affect your credit score, which is used to evaluate your applications for credit cards, loans, jobs, housing, insurance, and more.

What Can You Do?

Check Your Credit Report
Check your credit report with all three credit reporting agencies at least once a year (you are entitled to one FREE credit report annually from each agency (Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax)). Checking your report will help you 1) identify and correct errors that could be affecting your credit score, and 2) protect yourself from identity theft.

Dispute Errors

If you find an error on any of your credit reports, follow instructions on the report that explain how to dispute errors. If errors have not been corrected after you’ve disputed them with the credit reporting agency, you can file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Get more information about disputing errors on your credit report.